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Oregon Sage-Grouse Action Plan

Links to the 2015 Oregon Sage-Grouse Action Plan, Governor’s Executive Order, and appendices are below. In 2021, an interagency working group came together to evaluate Plan implementation status, summarize lessons learned, and make recommendations for future implementation: see Oregon Sage-Grouse Action Plan: Evaluation and Recommendations.

Oregon Sage-Grouse Action Plan

Oregon Sage-Grouse Action Plan 
Appendices (Combined)


Executive Order 15-18


Sage Grouse

(Jeremy Roberts, Conservation Media)

(Jeremy Roberts, Conservation Media)

  1. SageCon Partners
  2. Summary of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 2010 “Warranted but Precluded” Determination
  3. Metrics Tables
  4. Implementation Recommendations and Guidelines 
  5. County Sage-Grouse Regional Report
  6. State of Oregon Greater Sage-Grouse Habitat Mitigation Manual
  7. Calculation of Developed Land Area
  8. Strategic Framework Tools and Details for the Resistance and Resilience Matrix and the State-and-Transition Model Approach
  9. Calculation of Acres of Exotic Annual Grasses, Conifers, and Wildfire Occurrence
  10. Potential for Agriculture Conversion
  11. Identifying Trends in Agriculture Conversion in Oregon
  12. Renewable Energy Potential
  13. Renewable Energy Market Potential
  14. Habitat Connectivity
  15. Mid- to Broad-Scale Habitat Conditions and Trends for the Greater Sage-Grouse in Oregon
  16. Conservation Efforts Database
  17. LCDC Rule OAR 660-023-0115 (outdated) - current rule available here
  18. Local Ordinances
  19. ODFW Rule OAR 635-140-0000
  20. Datasets Used and Developed for the Action Plan