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Land Use

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Searched for: Land Use
  1. Being An Effective Communicator In A Team

    When it came to pick a subject for our research report, we all sat down, collaborated, and shared ideas. As we were discussing which idea was best, it was clear that there was one reoccurring theme throughout...

  2. Relative Heart Ventricle Mass and Cardiac Performance in Amphibians

    This study used an in situ heart preparation to analyze the power and work of spontaneously beating hearts of four anurans (R. marina, L. catesbeianus, X. laevis, P. edulis) and three urodeles (N. maculosus, A....

  3. Towards the integration of the historical and structural theories of urban form

    In this thesis we examine the effect which the obsolescence of central city housing exerts on the decentralization within urban areas of high status residents. In particular, we investigate whether housing...

  4. Ecosystem Services in Managing Residential Landscapes: Priorities, Value Dimensions, and Cross-Regional Patterns

    Although ecosystem services have been intensively examined in certain domains (e.g., forests and wetlands), little research has assessed ecosystem services for the most dominant landscape type in urban...

  5. Do TODs Make a Difference? NS Streetcar Line Portland, Oregon

    This analysis was intended to help answer the following policy questions:

  6. Lake Macroinvertebrate Assemblages and Relationship With Natural Environment and Tourism Stress in Jiuzhaigou Natural...

    With increasing human population and urbanization, tourism in natural reserves and other protected lands is growing. It is critical to monitor and assess the impacts of tourism on ecosystem health. However,...

  7. Application of Density Estimation Methods to Datasets Collected from a Glider

    Ocean gliders can provide an inexpensive alternative for marine mammal population density studies. Gliders can monitor bigger spatial areas than fixed passive acoustic recorders. It is a low-noise, low-speed...

  8. Spatial Resilience of Forested Landscapes Under Climate Change and Management

    Context: Resilience, the ability to recover from disturbance, has risen to the forefront of scientific policy, but is difficult to quantify, particularly in large, forested landscapes subject to disturbances,...

  9. Do TODs Make a Difference? MAX Yellow Line Portland, Oregon

    This analysis was intended to help answer the following policy questions:

  10. Surface Energy Balance and Melt Thresholds over 11 years at Taylor Glacier, Antarctica

    In the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Victoria Land, Antarctica, melting of glacial ice is the primary source of water to streams, lakes, and associated ecosystems. To understand geochemical fluxes and ecological...

