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In-Channel Stream Restoration

Agencies involved:
  • ACOE: US Army Corps of Engineers
  • DEQ: Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
  • ODF: Oregon Department of Forestry
  • ODFW: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
  • DSL: Oregon Department of State Lands
  • OWRD: Oregon Water Resources Department
Restoration ActivityConcerns about impacts of the activityPermits or approval that may be required
Beaver managementBeaver may dam culverts causing flooding or erosionBeaver trapping and transportation requires approval from ODFW
Instream transfer and leasesConcern about effect on other water usersInstream water right transfers and leases require a permit from OWRD
Concern about the ability to manage the water to keep it in-stream
Whole channel alterationsSediment may be lost from raw banks, old channels, or newly constructed channelsState Removal-Fill Permits are required from DSL for channel alterations
Geomorphic conditions must be evaluated to ensure the new channel is stableA Section 404 Permit is required from ACOE for channel alterations
Backfill or blockage of the "old" channel is often controversial
Habitat construction projectsSediment may be lost from raw banks, old channels, or newly constructed channelsState Removal-Fill Permits are required from DSL for channel and bank alterations
Geomorphic conditions must be evaluated to ensure channel stability is not disturbedA Section 404 Permit is required from ACOE for channel and bank alterations
Backfill or blockage of the "old" channel is often controversialBlasting to create pools requires permits from ODFW
Large wood placementWood should be large enough to affect stream processes, and the stream should have been determined to be in need of large woodWork on forest lands requires ODF approval
Wood should meet the dimension criteria in the Oregon Aquatic Habitat Restoration and Enhancement GuideWork on other lands or on a navigable waterway requires a Removal-Fill Permit or General Authorization from DSL
Concern may exist for downstream structuresthat could be damaged by addition of woodA Section 404 Permit is required from ACOE but a Regional General Permit may be available soon as an alternative to an individual permit
Instream boulder placementProject should consider whether boulder placement would alter stream stabilityWork on forest lands requires ODF approval
Boulder placement should mimic naturally occurring bouldersWork on non-forest lands or on a navigable waterway requires a Removal-Fill Permit or General Authorization from DSL
A Section 404 Permit is required from ACOE but a Regional General Permit may be available soon as an alternative to an individual permit
Fish passage structures (excluding road crossings)Project should consider whether the barrier is a natural barrier or artificial barrier, and whether removal of the barrier would create predation problems or other problemsFishways should meet ODFW guidelines
State Removal-Fill Permits are required from DSL for channel and bank alterations
A Section 404 Permit may be required from ACOE channel and bank alterations
Alternatives to push-up damsProject should consider whether alternatives improve fish passage and/or saves waterInfiltration galleries may need OWRD approval as a transfer from surface water to ground water
Project may involve a change in the point of diversion of a water right State Removal-Fill Permits are required from DSL for channel and bank alterations
A Section 404 Permit is required from ACOE channel and bank alterations
Salmonid carcass placementIntroduction of disease organismsDEQ regulates the placement of carcasses instream as a discharge
Nutrient loading into the stream
Additional terms:
  • ASC: Application for Site Certificate
  • CAFO: the concentrated confined feeding or holding of animals in buildings or pens where the surface has been prepared with concrete, rock or fibrous material to support animals in wet weather
  • CWRE: Certified Water Right Examiner
  • EFSC: Energy Facility Siting Council
  • FPF: Forest Practice Forester
  • HCP: Habitat Conservation Plan
  • NEPA: National Environmental Policy Act
  • NOI: Notice of Intent
  • NPDES: National Pollution Discharge Elimination System
  • RCRA: the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act that establishes waste management standards
  • SWCD: Soil and Water Conservation District
  • UIC: Underground Injection Control
  • WPCF: Water Pollution Control Facility