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Land Use

Land Use

Financial and Technical Assistance for Landowners

Private landowners take pride in the ecological, social and economic benefits resulting from careful stewardship of their lands. In Oregon, more than 44 percent of land is privately owned, making private landowners essential partners in efforts to conserve fish, wildlife and habitat. There are a number of agencies and programs that can provide technical aide or financial assistance for voluntary conservation. These programs vary in the amount of funding available, eligibility, and requirements such as cost-share. Contact your local ODFW office, Watershed Council or Soil and Water Conservation District to learn what programs might be appropriate for your property. Some of these programs are suited for organizations such as land trusts that work with private landowners.

For a complete list of agencies and programs that can provide financial and technical assistance, please see the ODFW brochure cited below.


Excerpted with permission from Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. 2007. Oregon Conservation Strategy: Helping Fish, Wildlife and Habitat: Incentive and Assistance Programs for Private Landowners. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Salem, Oregon.