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Key Archived Deschutes Basin Documents

Listed below are resources of high interest to the Oregon Explorer Deschutes Basin partners groups. Where needed, these have been digitized and archived with a persistent URL.

Greenprint for Deschutes County Documents

Oregon's Playground Prepares for the Future: A Greenprint for Deschutes County. Final Report, 2010.

A Greenprint for Deschutes County. This two page brochure describes the Deschutes County Greenprint. May, 2010.

Greenprint for Deschutes County Model. June 11, 2010.


Conservation and Recovery Plan for Oregon Steelhead Populations in the Middle Columbia River Steelhead Distinct Population Segment. February, 2010.

Deschutes Subbasin Plan. Northwest Power and Conservation Council. 2005.

Native Fish of the Upper Deschutes: Status and Recommended Restoration Actions. Native Fish Society report. June 28, 2010.

Reports and Maps

Columbia Restoration Priorities Deschutes Basin working maps . Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife. 2006.
