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The Oregon Watershed Restoration Inventory (OWRI) Database and GIS data is available in the following formats for download.
DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this visualization tool is current as of Oregon Watershed Restoration Inventory's calls for data prior to and including 2022. Data submitted subsequent to this may not be included in the tool. Only those restoration projects with spatial attributes appear in the tool. Information about projects lacking spatial attributes can be accessed through the OWRI database. The Oregon Watershed Restoration Inventory is a relational database consisting of both tabular and spatial data. The tabular database contains detailed information for mapped and unmapped projects. The GIS data are not intended to stand alone. It is important to utilize associated tabular information in MS Access or MS Excel format in order to get the complete information for your area of interest and to avoid double-counting. Tabular data should be used for measurement quantities and costs.
For additional information please contact:
Bobbi Riggers
Oregon Watershed Restoration Inventory
775 Summer St NE Suite 360
Salem, OR 97301-1290
Phone: (971) 345-7003
e-mail: Bobbi.Riggers@oweb.oregon.gov