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Oregon Explorer will be migrating to a new platform January, 2025 focused on our sponsored topics with a new look and feel! Questions?
According to Sustainable Business Oregon, Oregon isn't a major poultry state, but more than 20 million chickens are produced annually. The state's commercial poultry industry exceeded $130 million in sales in 2009. The Oregon Agricultural Information Network (OAIN) reports 2010 sales of chicken eggs was nearly $82.5 million and broilers brought in over $60 million.
In May 2011, the Oregon Legislature passed (House Bill 2872), that allows small farms producing up to 1000 birds a year to slaughter and sell the meat directly to customers either on the farm, at farmers markets or to meat-buying clubs. This changes the landscape for small producers who were formerly required to send their poultry to a single, sanctioned slaughterhouse.
Lee van der Voo. Poultry plan could benefit small farms, Sustainable Business Oregon, March 24, 2011.
House Bill 2872. The Oregonian, Your Government, 2011 Session. OregonLive.com
Oregon Agricultural Information Network (OAIN). Oregon State University Extension Service.
Poultry resources, OSU Extension Service. Small Farms.