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Riparian Area and Wetland Restoration

Agencies involved:
  • ACOE: US Army Corps of Engineers
  • BLM: US Bureau of Land Management
  • DSL: Oregon Department of State Lands
  • FSA: Farm Service Agency
  • ODA: Oregon Department of Agriculture
  • ODF: Oregon Department of Forestry
  • OWRD: Oregon Water Resources Department
  • USFS: US Forest Service
Restoration ActivityConcerns about impacts of the activityPermits or approval that may be required
Estuarine and freshwater wetland projectsWater control structures may alter natural hydrologic processesMany of the construction activities in wetlands require a Removal-Fill Permit or General Authorization from DSL
Dike structures placed in wetlands alter natural hydrologic processesA federal 404 Permit from the ACOE is required for any fill placed in wetlands or waters
Dike removal should comply with in-water work periods to protect aquatic speciesWater impoundment may require a Water Storage Permit from OWRD if water is stored
Backfill or restoration of "ditched" channels must be concerned with placement of fill material
Construction activities and disturbed sites should be reseeded or revegetated to prevent sediment movement
Grazing management plansCare should be taken to ensure riparian areas are protectedGrazing does not require state approval
Grazing should be managed to maintain native plant communitiesGrazing may require a permit on federal lands from BLM or USFS
Riparian vegetation plantingPlant species should be adapted to riparian conditions (occasional to regular flooding)Planting does not require approval or permits
Planting should consider natural succession of speciesRiparian planting can be paid for by federal FSA programs such as the continuous sign-up or Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program
Riparian fencingFence placement should consider flooding patterns, location of the floodplain and stream channel movement patternsFencing does not require approval or permits
Riparian fencing can be paid for by federal FSA programs such as the continuous sign-up or Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program
Water gap developmentFencing should be able to tolerate flooding patternsRock placement may require a Removal-Fill Permit or General Authorization from DSL if more than 50 cubic yards of material is used, and/or a 404 Permit or General Permit from ACOE
Rock used to harden the water gap should be placed during the in-stream work period to protect species
Livestock water development or diversionsDiversions of stream flow can reduce instream flow and harm aquatic speciesWater diversions require a permit from OWRD, however certain livestock diversions may be exempt from state permit requirements
Springs may have important habitat value and may support listed amphibians
Brush / weed control / eradicationApplications may drift and pollute nearby watersWork on forest operations may require ODF approval
Many chemicals require an Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) applicators license
Additional terms:
  • ASC: Application for Site Certificate
  • CAFO: the concentrated confined feeding or holding of animals in buildings or pens where the surface has been prepared with concrete, rock or fibrous material to support animals in wet weather
  • CWRE: Certified Water Right Examiner
  • EFSC: Energy Facility Siting Council
  • FPF: Forest Practice Forester
  • HCP: Habitat Conservation Plan
  • NEPA: National Environmental Policy Act
  • NOI: Notice of Intent
  • NPDES: National Pollution Discharge Elimination System
  • RCRA: the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act that establishes waste management standards
  • SWCD: Soil and Water Conservation District
  • UIC: Underground Injection Control
  • WPCF: Water Pollution Control Facility