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Western Landscapes Photo Tour

Western Landscapes Photo Tour

Northwest Landscapes Photo Tour
Northwest Landscapes Photo Tour

Local Collaboratives

Local Collaboratives

IMAP User Group

The Interagency Mapping and Assessment Project (IMAP) effort is an interagency cooperative building data and models for integrated landscape planning and analysis in Oregon and Washington.  The IMAP cooperative began in 2006 as a research and development project designed to find integrated approaches to understanding how natural disturbances, vegetation dynamics and management activities interact across large landscapes.

HabiMap Arizona

The Arizona Game and Fish Department created this tool to display Arizona’s information on wildlife management boundaries, wildlife stressors, and a model of wildlife conservation potential called the Species and Habitat Conservation Guide.

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GAP Analysis Southwest

The Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project (SWReGAP) combined data from Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah to create seamless coverages of land cover, management status, and animal habitat models for all native terrestrial vertebrate species.

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