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North Coast

North Coast

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Umpqua River, Rick Obst, Flickr, CC 2.0 Water Quality Tool Illinois River Valley

History of the Umpqua Basin

The Umpqua Basin was the ancestral territory of four tribes, the Lower Umpqua, the Upper Umpqua, the Cow Creek Band of the Umpqua, and the Southern Mollala Indians.

Oregon Drinking Water Protection Program Interactive Map Viewer

Explore water quality in the Umpqua Basin through an interactive mapping tool that includes detailed graphs of water-quality data.

Umpqua Basin Vegetation

Most of the Umpqua Basin's landscape and climate favor conifer forests, especially Douglas-fir.

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About This Place

The development of the site formerly known as the "Umpqua Basin Explorer" resulted from the collaboration among:

OSU Libraries and Press: OSU Libraries and Press engages with the OSU community and the people of Oregon in their pursuit of knowledge. The OSULP partnership with the Institute for Natural Resources supports delivery of information and services related to the protection and management of Oregon's vitally important natural resources through the Oregon Explorer natural resources digital library.

Institute for Natural Resources: The Institute for Natural Resources provides Oregonians with ready access to current, relevant science-based information, methods, and tools for better understanding natural resource management challenges and developing solutions. INR co-manages the Oregon Explorer with OSULP.

The Partnership for the Umpqua Rivers: The Partnership for the Umpqua Rivers (PUR) is charged with restoring and enhancing water quality and fish habitat within the Umpqua Basin.

Alder Creek Children's Forest: The Alder Creek Children's Forest (ACCF) provides opportunities for young citizens to learn to work together to create healthy, sustainable forests, watersheds and communities. The Umpqua Basin Explorer K12 Education resources were developed in partnership with ACCF and PUR.

Funding for the Umpqua Basin Explorer development was provided by the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, the Partnership for the Umpqua Rivers, and the Bureau of Land Management (Title 2 funds). In-kind support provided by OSU Libraries and Press and the Institute for Natural Resources.