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Landscapes and Ecosystems

Landscapes and Ecosystems

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Searched for: Landscapes and Ecosystems
  1. A Landscape Approach to Ecosystem Services in Oregon's Southern Willamette Valley Agricultural Landscape

    Over the past decade, ecosystem services has become a familiar term. Definitions vary but the central idea is that society depends on and is enhanced by earth's resources. Concerns about natural resource...

  2. Aquatic Ecosystems Symposium

    Abstract -- Sustainability and changing physical landscapes; sustainability of western riparian ecosystems, watersheds: nutrients and productivity, sustaining of western aquatic food webs, western native fish...

  3. Simulated response of ecosystem processes to climate change in northern California and western Nevada

    In order to investigate potential climate impacts on landscape-scale ecosystem processes, I implemented a dynamic general vegetation model (DGVM) over a large domain in northern California and western Nevada on...

  4. After the Flow: Landscape Response to the Emplacement of Holocene Lava Flows, Central Oregon Cascades, USA

    Effusive volcanic eruptions repave landscapes rapidly with lava flows, resetting the underlying landscape and ecosystem. The unique physical properties of lava pose interesting challenges for recovery, as lava...

  5. Ecological Homogenization of Urban USA

    A visually apparent but scientifically untested outcome of land-use change is homogenization across urban areas, where neighborhoods in different parts of the country have similar patterns of roads, residential...

  6. Carbon Dioxide Concentrations: An Examination of Carbon Sequestration via Global Reforestation

    Deforestation has resulted in a dramatic change to Earth’s landscape, climate, and ecosystems. To date, 46% of all forests have been cut since the onset of agriculture about 12,000 years ago (Crowther et al.,...

  7. Food systems in the Marys River region and reinhabitation

    Reinhabitation is an approach to building local cultures and economies within industrial

  8. Investigation of Ambient Reactive Nitrogen Emissions Sources and Deposition in the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area

    Anthropogenic reactive nitrogen is emitted into the atmosphere from fossil fuel combustion (nitrogen oxides) and agricultural activities (nitrogen oxides and ammonia). Nitrogen oxide emissions have long been...

  9. Managing the whole landscape: historical, hybrid, and novel ecosystems

    To the best of our knowledge, one or more authors of this paper were federal employees when contributing to this work. This is the publisher’s final pdf. The published article is copyrighted by the Ecological...

  10. Understanding Public Perceptions of Post-Wildfire Landscape Recovery

    Forest disturbances, such as wildfires, pine beetle outbreaks, and floods are important features of many landscapes and ecosystems. Many disturbances are increasing in size, frequency, and intensity due to...

