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Searched for: Biodiversity
  1. The Biodiversity Resource Center: a working model for broad dissemination of biodiversity information in a public service...

  2. The subtidal Bryozoan fauna off Cape Arago, Oregon

    83 pages

  3. The Effects of Global Changes on Fungal Communities: Measuring Biodiversity Belowground

    Global changes resulting from human activities, including elevated levels of greenhouse gases, enrichment of nitrogen and land use changes, have led to substantial losses in biodiversity of macroscopic...

  4. Microbial Biodiversity of the Atmosphere

    Microorganisms are critical to the functioning of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and may also play a role in the functioning of the atmosphere. However, little is known about the diversity and function of...

  5. Essays on the Recreational Value of Avian Biodiversity

    This dissertation uses a convenience sample of members of eBird, a large citizen science project maintained by the Cornell University's Laboratory of Ornithology, to explore the value of avian biodiversity to...

  6. Climate Change Impacts on the Productivity and Community Dynamics of Pacific Northwest Prairie Systems

    1 page poster

  7. Beyond a Government-the-Hunter Paradigm: Challenging Government Policies on Deer in a Critical Ecological Era

    48 pages

  8. Engendering the Metabolic Rift: A Feminist Political Ecology of Agrofuels

    This thesis analyzes the gendered impacts of plant-based alternatives to petroleum, commonly called biofuels. Synthesizing case studies, scientific research and policies papers, this theoretical work adopts the...

  9. Risk to Maintenance-Dependent Species from Orthodoxy in Species-Based Land-Use Regulation

    270 pages

  10. Jim's Creek savanna restoration environmental assessment

    229 p. Figures, maps, tables, and references.

