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Kagan, J.S., J.C. Hak, B. Csuti, C.W. Kiilsgaard, and E.P. Gaines. 1999. Oregon Gap Analysis Project Final Report: A geographic approach to planning for biological diversity. Oregon Natural Heritage Program, Portland, Oregon. 72 pp. + appendices.
Booklet developed by Metro which lists native plants, including some ground covers, that are encouraged to plant in Willamette Valley yards.
Lawler J. J., M. Mathias, A. E. Yahnke, and E. H. Girvetz. 2008. Oregon’s Biodiversity in a Changing Climate. Report prepared for the Climate Leadership Initiative, University of Oregon.
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) staff led development of the Strategy working with a diverse coalition of Oregonians including scientists, conservation groups, landowners, extension services, anglers, hunters, and representatives from agriculture, forestry and rangelands. The...
2013, Oregon Biodiversity Center (ORBIC) Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species of Oregon Publication
An introduction to habitats in the Willamette River Basin. 2002.
This Defenders of Wildlife report is an economic and policy assessment of the biological effectiveness and economic efficiency of incentive mechanisms for private landowners to conserve U.S. biodiversity. Its focus is on rural lands that tend to be used for forestry, agriculture and residential...
Publication about the limits of Oregon's land use program in protecting fish and wildlife habitat in the Willamette Valley. Authored by Pam Wiley for the Defenders of Wildlife (2001).
Listening to Landowners: Conservation case studies from Oregon's Willamette Valley. Paige Fischer. West Linn, Oregon, Defenders of Wildlife, [2004]. This study was written for the Defenders of Wildlife and the Willamette Basin Conservation Project. Defenders of Wildlife contracted with an...
Final report from a national workshop in 2002 that emphasized large-scale conservation planning and the integration of biodiversity and land use planning. Prepared by Defenders of Wildlife. 2003.