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Searched for: Biodiversity
  1. Least-Cost Bycatch Reduction Through the Biodiversity Mitigation Hierarchy

    Suggested Bibliographic Reference: NAAFE Forum 2017 Proceedings, March 22-24, 2017. Compiled by Ann L. Shriver with assistance from Stefani Evers. North American Association of Fisheries Economists (NAAFE),...

  2. Toward a Positive Feedback between Fish Abundance and Dense Forest to Enhance Biodiversity: Responsible Fisheries from a...

    Research Paper

  3. Fishermen's Values Concerning the Queen Conch and Lobster in Boca de Yuma, East National Park, Dominican Republic

    Research Paper

  4. Fishermen, Markets, and Population Diversity

    Fishing impacts biodiversity on multiple levels, potentially resulting in unintended feedbacks to economic performance of the fishery over time. For example, targeting observable traits within a population can...

  5. Cost-Effectiveness of Nutrient Pollution Reduction in Taal Lake, Philippines

    Research Paper

  6. Cost-benefit analysis of a project concerning the management of an invasive species in a coastal fishery: the case of...

    Research Paper

  7. Ecosystems at Risk: The Contribution of Ecosystem Approaches to Fisheries to Identify Problems and Evaluate Potential...

    Research Paper

  8. Managing the Environmental Effects of Fishing, What's Left After Property Rights?

    Research Paper

  9. PFS = ECY + SEP

    Research Paper