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Searched for: Birds
  1. OSMB Final Report: Task 3. Containment Strategies for Eurasian Watermilfoil Infested Central OR Lakes

    In recent years, public awareness of aquatic invasive species (AIS) has increased considerably in Oregon and elsewhere in the western U.S.. News articles, boat inspection stations and AIS permit programs have...

  2. Pre-Roosting Assemblages in Birds: An Observation of American Crows in the Portland Park Blocks

    The first objective of this study is to describe the seasonal patterns of variation in crow numbers and to assess the extent to which crow numbers vary with weather over the course of the winter in the Portland...

  3. Advancing Collaborative Solutions: Lessons from the Oregon Sage-Grouse Conservation Partnership (SageCon)

    The Sage-Grouse Conservation Partnership, also known as “SageCon,” was an unprecedented collaborative effort among federal, state, and private stakeholders to address landscape-scale threats to greater...

  4. Connect Cascade Locks: A Trails Plan for Economic Development

    Located in the heart of the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, the City of Cascade Locks is a point of entry for regional and national trail systems. Recreational development opportunities abound for...

  5. Influence of Wetland Landscape Structure on Duck Nest Success at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon

    The decline of waterfowl populations and their requisite wetland habitats remains a concern. Because migratory bird refuges are often artificial landscapes of actively managed wetlands, and wildlife populations...

  6. Source Evaluation and Information Literacy: Findings from a Study on Science Websites

    An essential component of information literacy is the evaluation of information resources. Integral to evaluation are users' judgments about which Web sources might prove reliable when learning about a...

  7. Behavioral Observation and Paternal Investment of Eastern Kingbirds at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge

    We have been studying the population of Eastern Kingbirds breeding in riparian habitats in Malheur National Wildlife Refuge (eastern Oregon) since 2002. These efforts have created an ideal research environment...

  8. Breeding Patterns of Eastern Phoebes in Kansas: Adaptive Strategies or Physiological Constraint?

    Data were collected on annual (1980-1983) and seasonal (spring vs. summer) variation in reproduction by the double-brooded Eastern Phoebe (Sayornis phoebe) to test the proposal that phoebes modify reproductive...

  9. The Response of Mice to Infection by the Parasitic Nematode Trichinella: A Comparison of Trichinella Spiralis and Trichinella...

    The intracellular parasite Trichinella is a genus in phylum Nematoda that contains six named species including Trichinella spiralis and Trichinella pseudospiralis. These parasites infect a large variety of wild...

  10. Oregon's Fish and Wildlife in a Changing Climate

    Chapter 7 in: The Oregon Climate Change Assessment Report
