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  1. Multistate Mark-Recapture Analysis Reveals No Effect of Blood Sampling on Survival and Recapture of Eastern Kingbirds...

    The experimentally supported and prevailing opinion is that blood sampling has few to no long-term effects on survival of birds when conducted properly, and blood sampling has become a vital addition to the...

  2. The Biology of Eastern Kingbirds at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge: Survival, Reproduction, and Testosterone Secretion

    This dissertation presents the results of a study that I undertook to better understand the breeding biology of Eastern Kingbirds (hereafter, kingbirds) at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in southeastern...

  3. Paternal Behaviour in a Socially Monogamous but Sexually Promiscuous Passerine Bird

    We documented parental behaviour and paternity of eastern kingbirds (Tyrannus tyrannus) to test the predictions that paternal care would decline with increasing loss of paternity, increasing nesting density (a...

  4. Nest Reuse by Eastern Kingbirds: Adaptive Behavior or Ecological Constraint?

    The reuse of old nests by open-cup nesting passerines is a seemingly rare but potentially adaptive behavior if, as a consequence, females begin to breed earlier, lay larger clutches, or fledge more young. We...