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Searched for: Birds
  1. Factors affecting the population of raptorial birds on Sauvie Island, Oregon

    This study is an analysis of the various factors affecting the population of raptorial birds on Sauvie Island, Oregon. A census of diurnal and nocturnal raptors was carried out along with an analysis of food...

  2. The Biology of Eastern Kingbirds at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge: Survival, Reproduction, and Testosterone Secretion

    This dissertation presents the results of a study that I undertook to better understand the breeding biology of Eastern Kingbirds (hereafter, kingbirds) at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in southeastern...

  3. Survivorship and Breeding Dispersal Patterns of a Migratory, Socially Monogamous Passerine; the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher...

    Survivorship (the likelihood of survival from one year to the next) and breeding dispersal (movement between breeding seasons) exhibit considerable variability at both the inter- and intraspecific levels. Using...

  4. Spiders fluoresce variably across many taxa

    The evolution of fluorescence is largely unexplored, despite the newfound occurrence of this phenomenon in a variety of organisms. We document that spiders fluoresce under ultraviolet illumination, and find...
