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  1. The Effects of Urbanization and Human Disturbance Upon Plant Community Structure and Bird Species Richness, Diversity, and...

    The effects of urbanization and continual human disturbance on the plant and avian communities of Forest Park and forested lands surrounding Portland, Oregon, were studied. I examined characteristics of plant...

  2. Empirical Evidence for the Scale Dependence of Biotic Interactions

    Aim: Although it is recognized that ecological patterns are scale dependent, the exact scales over which specific ecological processes operate are still a matter of controversy. In particular, understanding the...

  3. Advancing Collaborative Solutions: Lessons from the Oregon Sage-Grouse Conservation Partnership (SageCon)

    The Sage-Grouse Conservation Partnership, also known as “SageCon,” was an unprecedented collaborative effort among federal, state, and private stakeholders to address landscape-scale threats to greater...

  4. Oregon's Fish and Wildlife in a Changing Climate

    Chapter 7 in: The Oregon Climate Change Assessment Report