Coastal Planning

Coastal Planning

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Searched for: Coastal Planning
  1. Coastal hazards and community exposure in a changing climate : the development of probabilistic coastal change hazard zones

    Documented trends in rising sea levels, storminess, and extreme wave heights have the potential to increase the frequency and magnitude of coastal change hazards, increasing risks to coastal infrastructure and...

  2. Yachats : Comprehensive plan

    55 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Tables, charts. Referenced map not included. Comprehensive plan inventory included. Adopted May 8, 2008. Captured May 6, 2009.

  3. Coos Estuary Inventory Project: Key project development components, example uses, and data validity

    The Coos Estuary Inventory Project, an in-depth assessment of environmental and socio-economic status and trends, is part of Phase 2 of the Partnership for Coastal Watersheds. The project began in January 2013...

  4. The Oregon plan : restoring an Oregon legacy through cooperative efforts

  5. ODFW Coastal Juvenile Coho Survey Site Summary 1998-2004

    Abstract -- These are summary data of snorkeling and electrofishing surveys as part of the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) began a project in 1998 to...

  6. The Impact of Coastal Community Development and Fisheries Resources Management Project (co-fish project) on Social Economic...

    Research Paper

  7. Community vision for the Partnership for Coastal Watersheds region: South Slough and the Coastal Frontal Sub-Basins of the...

    The Partnership Steering Committee has developed a set of vision statements or desired conditions for the future of the project area (20-25 years). The community vision describes desired future conditions we...

  8. Assessing physical vulnerability of the coast in light of a changing climate : an integrated, multi-hazard, multi-timescale...

    Hazards threaten coastal communities and ecosystems over a wide range of spatiotemporal scales. One of the most pressing concerns for coastal property owners, decision makers, and researchers is the uncertain...

  9. Astoria : Riverfront vision plan (2008)

    148 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Maps, figures, illus., appendices. Published December, 2008. Captured July 15, 2009.

  10. Coastal multi-species conservation and management plan: final draft


    Executive summary -- Main document -- Appendix VI Opinion survey -- Appendix VII Process facilitation report

