Coastal Planning

Coastal Planning

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Searched for: Coastal Planning
  1. Identification of OCS Renewable Energy Space-Use Conflicts and Analysis of Potential Mitigation Measures: Literature Review:...

    The authors were subcontracted by IEC to develop the literature review as background to the project. This draft was submitted in March 2010. The final report was submitted in April of 2011. The literature...

  2. Looking for Safe Harbor in a Crowded Sea: Coastal Space Use Conflict and Marine Renewable Energy Development

    Presentation at The Coastal Society's 22nd International Conference titled "Shifting Shorelines: Adapting to the Future" held June 13-16 2010 in Wilmington, North Carolina.

  3. Oregon Data Integration: A perspective on information networking

    Demands for space in Oregon’s Territorial Sea and Outer Continental Shelf are increasing over time, putting pressure on existing ecological resources, uses, and users of this shared public resource. Data and...

  4. Marine bird colony and at-sea distributions along the Oregon coast: Implications for marine spatial planning and information...

    Increasingly diverse interests in commercial and recreational use of marine resources are creating new challenges for coastal ocean management. One concern of increased offshore use and development off the...

  5. Supporting the Oregon TSP Revision: Oregon Fishing Community Mapping Project

    The state of Oregon is developing a comprehensive plan to guide the potential siting of renewable

  6. Evaluating the population genetic structure of Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) off the Oregon coast

    The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of Oregon Wave Energy Trust and the Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission, Kelly Corbett of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife for coordinating the...

  7. Baseline Data and Power Analysis for the OWET Dungeness Crab and Fish Baseline Study

    The purpose of this project was to collect baseline data for a Before-After-Control-Impact (BACI) study of effects a wave energy conversion project planned for the coastal waters off of Reedsport, Oregon on the...

  8. Winter Marine Bird Surveys February 16 - March 6 2012

    Information on winter marine bird and mammal distributions in Oregon coastal waters has

  9. Crab Tagging Study: Adult male Dungeness crab (Metacarcinus magister) movements near Reedsport, Oregon from a fisheries...


  10. Effects of Altered Habitats and Fishing Practices in Wind and Wave Farms

    Offshore renewable energy development (ORED) could induce local ecological changes, negatively affecting species of conservation interest. If well planned and coordinated, on the other hand, ORED could be...
