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The Oregon Department of Energy's Biennial Energy Report (BER) is developed every even-numbered year to inform local, state, regional, and federal energy policy development, energy planning, and energy investments. 2022 Biennial Energy Report Sections: Introduction Energy by the Numbers...
The Oregon Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia Action Plan outlines actions the state will take to adapt to and mitigate impacts. The plan, requested by Gov. Kate Brown in 2018 and adopted in August 2019, serves as a roadmap for the years 2019-2025. Produced by the OAH Council. Press release (9-24-19...
The California Current is a dynamic and diverse ecosystem in the eastern North Pacific Ocean.The primary goals of the CCIEA are to better understand the web of interactions that drive patterns and trends of components within the California Current ecosystem, and forecast how changing environmental...
This Oregon Department of Environmental Quality website contains links to Total Maximum Daily Load and Water Quality Management Plan documents prepared for waterbodies in Oregon designated as water quality limited on the 303(d) list. A TMDL is the calculated pollutant amount that a waterbody can...
The Oregon statewide strategic plan and statewide action plan for invasive species set forth long-term and short-term strategies for invasive species control. View or download the 2017-2019 statewide action plan and/or strategic plan from the Oregon Invasive Species Council website.