Coastal Water Supply

Coastal Water Supply

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Searched for: Coastal Water Supply
  1. Surface patterns in temperature, flow, phytoplankton biomass, and species composition in the coastal transition zone of...

    Satellite thermal imagery and in situ biological and physical data are presented that describe the spatial variability of phytoplankton biomass and species composition in relation to the physical structure at...

  2. Water mass subduction and the transport of phytoplankton in a coastal upwelling system

    Observations during the Coastal Transition Zone (CTZ) experiment in summer 1988 reveal the

  3. Iron, nutrient, and phytoplankton distributions in Oregon coastal waters

    Copyrighted by American Geophysical Union.

  4. Horizontal transport and the distribution of nutrients in the coastal transition zone off Northern California: effects on...

    Conductivity-temperature-depth surveys during 1988 encountered strong baroclinic jets that were evident in

  5. Physical versus biological spring transition: 2005

    In 2005, the onset of spring conditions in the physics

  6. The structure of the transition zone between coastal waters and the open ocean off northern California, winter and spring...

    Physical and biological fields in the coastal transition zone off northern California were measured during February, March, May and June 1987 in an extended alongshore region between 60 km and 150 km offshore....

  7. Structure of the coastal current field off Northern California during the coastal ocean dynamics experiment

    For 74 days during the spring and summer upwelling seasons of 1981 and 1982, in conjunction with

  8. Evaluation of a coastal ocean circulation model for the Columbia River plume in summer 2004

    copyrighted by American Geophysical Union

  9. CTD and velocity surveys of seaward jets off Northern California, July 1981 and 1982

    Two mesoscale surveys were conducted (in July 1981 and July 1982) near Point Arena, California, to

  10. Central California Coastal Circulation Study : CTD observations, cruise 8401, February 1984

