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Searched for: Conservation
  1. The role of forestry in soil conservation

  2. Drought and water conservation


    This archived document is maintained by the Oregon State Library as part of the Oregon Documents Depository Program. It is for informational purposes and may not be suitable for legal purposes.

  3. Defining Conservation Priorities for Freshwater Fishes According to Taxonomic, Functional, and Phylogenetic Diversity

    To date, the predominant use of systematic conservation planning has been to evaluate and conserve areas of high terrestrial biodiversity. Although studies in freshwater ecosystems have received recent...

  4. Custom-Made Conservation: Resource-Specific Conservation Easement Implementation Unpaves the Path of Tax Abuse

    32 pages

  5. Community-based sea turtle conservation in Baja, Mexico : integrating science and culture

    This thesis discusses both theoretical and practical considerations inherent in

  6. Beaches and dunes of the Oregon coast

  7. "Report of President's Committee on Wild Life Restoration"


    Report focuses on the proposed purchase of land unsuitable for agricultural uses for wildlife conservation.

  8. Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation & the Sagebrush Ecosystem: Collaborative Conservation at Work

  9. Upper Willamette Resource Conservation and Development Project. Newsletter; Vol.2 No.1 (April 1970)

  10. Upper Willamette Resource Conservation and Development Project. Newsletter; Vol.4 No.2 (July 1972)

