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Searched for: Conservation
  1. Oregon comprehensive wildlife conservation strategy: Voluntary conservation tools and programs

    This draft document describes different types of conservation tools and highlights some conservation programs currently available in Oregon, along with an assessment of their effectiveness for habitat...

  2. The Oregon plan for salmon and watersheds: a perspective.

    The Oregon Plan is a state-led strategy for restoring and conserving native salmonids and the watersheds within which they spend all or parts of their lives. It evolved from work that began in the 1980s on...

  3. Guidelines for developing urban forest practice ordinances

    Bounding coordinates: West Bounding Coordinate: -124.961735; East Bounding Coordinate: -116.415546; North Bounding Coordinate: 46.344729; South Bounding Coordinate: 41.914842.

  4. Conservation incentives work group report to the seventy-second legislative assembly

    Report to the seventy-second legislative assembly.

  5. Oregon coastal community water supply assessment

    On the Oregon coast, however, the issue of water supply has become paramount, especially given the need to restore instream flows in order to restore coastal salmon runs and meet water quality standards. With...

  6. Comparative hazard assessment for protected species in a fire-prone landscape

    This is the author's peer-reviewed final manuscript, as accepted by the publisher. The published article is copyrighted by Elsevier and can be found at:...

  7. The Oregon scenic waterways system: a review and assessment

    The popularity of Oregon Scenic Waterways continues to increase, indicating that

  8. 2003-2004 Annual report

    Bounding coordinates: West Bounding Coordinate: -124.661867;

  9. 2004-2005 Annual Report

    2004-2005 INR Annual Report

  10. A Kalman Filter Approach to Estimating Marine Turtle Incidental Take Risk

    A principle U.S. fisheries management concern is ensuring compliance with Endangered Species Act requirements to limit incidental takes of listed species to levels which do not result in potential jeopardy to...
