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The 2021 Oregon Climate Adaption Framework (Framework) urges the state to plan for and respond to climate change impacts in a transformative, coordinated, and efficient manner amplifying our impact and minimizing redundant effort. The Framework was prepared by a work group of 24 state agencies,...
In December 2017, the Water Resources Commission adopted Oregon’s Integrated Water Resources Strategy, a framework for better understanding and meeting instream and out-of-stream water needs, including water quantity, water quality, and ecosystem needs. Using a process that involved extensive...
"This plan serves as a blueprint for the recovery of ten Middle Columbia River (Mid-C)steelhead populations that occupy Oregon tributaries to the Columbia River. The steelhead populations spawn and rear in the Fifteenmile Creek, Deschutes, John Day, Umatilla and Walla Walla river basins and are...
Table of model criteria used in developing the Greenprint for Deschutes county by The Trust for Public Lands, June 11, 2010.
"The Greenprint for Deschutes County is a conservation plan that identifies the landscapes that contribute the most to quality of life and the economic prosperity of the region. It highlights special places that make Deschutes County a great place to live, work, and play and create a unique...
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife "one-page flyers designed for public outreach that provide an overview of strategy habitats, strategy species and invasive species in each ecoregion." (ODFW)
The Oregon Conservation Strategy identifies priorities for monitoring. A suite of priority species for monitoring is assigned to each priority habitat type within each ecoregion. Monitoring Strategy species is designed to complement ongoing large-scale vegetation monitoring and ongoing efforts to...
View the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife's conservation strategy list for mammals showing the ecoregional distributions, special needs, limiting factors, data gaps and recommended conservation actions.
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife "one-page flyers designed for public outreach that provide an overview of Strategy habitats, Strategy species and invasive species in each ecoregion." (ODFW)
View the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife's conservation strategy list for birds showing the ecoregional distributions, special needs, limiting factors, data gaps and recommended conservation actions for these species.
