

Ecoregions are geographic areas with characteristic features such as climate, geology, geomorphology, soils, ecosystem processes, and natural assemblages of plants and animals.

Articles & Stories

It took people from 20 organizations (in two countries) over 10,000 hours and five years to finish...
The arid, sagebrush-dominated landscape of the Lakes Basin may not seem ecologically diverse, but...
Wetland and riparian habitats are found in the following places. Westside or Coastal and Western...
Forest and woodland habitats can be categorized into the following types: Oak Woodlands Oregon...
Lakes Basin Ecoregions (Level IV) (Tyler Barns, Oregon Explorer) Ecoregions denote areas of...

Maps and Tools

The USGS Gap Analysis Program (GAP) created this online map viewer to display data on vegetation... more

Data Collections

Open source searchable data catalog for the US Government.
