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Searched for: Ecoregions
  1. Historical Vegetation of Three Salmon-Bearing Watersheds in the Interior Columbia River Basin

    Land use practices can be a contributing factor to environmental degradation and have been the focus of many ecological studies. One aspect that is less addressed is land use history and the effects that past...

  2. Survivorship and Breeding Dispersal Patterns of a Migratory, Socially Monogamous Passerine; the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher...

    Survivorship (the likelihood of survival from one year to the next) and breeding dispersal (movement between breeding seasons) exhibit considerable variability at both the inter- and intraspecific levels. Using...

  3. Macroinvertebrates and Excessive Fine Sediment Conditions in Oregon Coastal Streams

    The Pacific Coastal ecoregion contains large tracts of economically important forest lands that also serve as critical stream habitat for endangered Salmonids. Excessive fine sediment deposition in streams of...

  4. Carbon Sequestration in Managed Temperate Coniferous Forests Under Climate Change

    Management of temperate forests has the potential to increase carbon sinks and mitigate climate change. However, those opportunities may be confounded by negative climate change impacts. We therefore need a...

  5. Modeling Fecal Bacteria in Oregon Coastal Streams Using Spatially Explicit Watershed Characteristics

    Pathogens, such as Escherichia coli and fecal coliforms, are causing the majority of water quality impairments in U.S., making up ~87% of this grouping's violations. Predicting and characterizing source,...

  6. A Geospatial Tool for Wetland Prioritization at the Watershed Scale

    There is an increasing demand for assessing ecosystem functions for freshwater wetlands, especially when comparing or prioritizing among wetlands at the watershed scale. We estimated the relative potential of...