Food Systems

Food Systems

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Searched for: Food Systems
  1. AS 07-25-07 Interview with Marie Elliot

  2. AS 07-25-07 Interview with Bernie Burkeholder

    In Bernie Burkeholder’s home in Lakeview, about 9 a.m. We are talking about the Food Pantry that Bernie runs at the Presbyterian Church, and the overall Food Bank/Share/Pantry system in Lakeview.

  3. AS 07-26-07 Interview with Geraldine Austin

    At Jerry’s restaurant in Lakeview, I contacted Geraldine through the Energy As-sistance Program and she agreed to speak about the services that are available to those who need them

  4. AS 07-24-07 Interview with Ricky (Last Name Withheld)

    Didn’t record this one so here are the CQ [community questionnaire] questions I did get. Ricky is a volunteer at the Faith Center, but he is also a client and receives food, and often takes the leftover bread...
