Forest Management

Forest Management

Home Topics Forest Management Maps & Tools
Search and view the Oregon Statewide Wildfire Hazard Map required by 2021 SB762 and 2023 SB80. Learn more about the map at the Oregon Statewide...
The Oregon Forest Practices Act (FPA) requires forest landowners and operators to notify the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) at least 15 days...
Obtain meaningful information about important, sensitive, rare and listed forest species and habitats that could be found, or restored, on a...
The Oregon CWPP Planning Tool serves professional planners to inform updates to Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPP) and Natural Hazard...
This U.S. Forest Service portal contains several mapping and reporting application that address drought, forest pest conditions, forest disturbance,...
The USGS Forest Vegetation Simulator is a model of tree growth and yield which allows simulation of treatments to assess response.
Pronounced "Fish Crossing", this software is intended to assist engineers, hydrologists, and fish biologists in the evaluation and design of culverts...