Forest Management

Forest Management

The Oregon Forest Practices Act defines rules for state and private forest management, while the National Forest Management Act outlines forest management on the 26% of Oregon managed by the U.S. Forest Service.

Articles & Stories

The 10-Year Plan for Oregon created by Governor Kitzhaber in August 2011,...
To early settlers and loggers, the forests of Oregon's Coast Range seemed endless and inexhaustible...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, commonly known as the Forest...
Scientists, land managers, ranchers...
Forest and woodland habitats can be categorized into the following types: Oak Woodlands Oregon...

Maps and Tools

Search and view the Oregon Statewide Wildfire Hazard Map required by 2021 SB762 and 2023 SB80.... more

Data Collections

This database consists of forest-wide themes for the western slope of the northern Oregon Coast... more