Natural hazards refers to atmospheric, hydrologic, geologic, and wildfire phenomena that have the potential to affect humans, their structures, or their activities adversely.
Development of the site formerly known as the Oregon "Hazards Explorer" has been a collaboration among:
OSU Libraries and Press: OSU Libraries and Press engages with the OSU community and the people of Oregon in their pursuit of knowledge. The OSULP partnership with the Institute for Natural Resources supports delivery of information and services related to the protection and management of Oregon's vitally important natural resources through the Oregon Explorer natural resources digital library.
Institute for Natural Resources: The Institute for Natural Resources provides Oregonians with ready access to current, relevant science-based information, methods, and tools for better understanding natural resource management challenges and developing solutions. INR co-manages the Oregon Explorer with OSULP.
Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development: The Oregon Dept. of Land Conservation and Development supports the creation and implementation of comprehensive plans that reflect and balance the statewide planning goals, the vision of citizens, and the interests of local, state, federal and tribal governments.
Oregon Hazards Framework Implementation Team (FIT): The Oregon Hazards Framework Implementation Team collaboratively develops standards and plans for hazards "framework" data development and stewardship. Oregon's 14 framework themes are closely aligned with the National Spatial Data Infrastructure initiative, led by the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) and the President's Office of Management & Budget.
Funding for Phase 1 development of the Oregon Hazards Explorer was provided by the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development through a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. In-kind support provided by OSU Libraries and Press and the Institute for Natural Resources.