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Health and Wellness

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Searched for: Health and Wellness
  1. Oral Care & Asian and Pacific Islander Communities in Oregon

    This report attempts to describe the current knowledge of oral health care access within Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities in Oregon based on secondary data from the Oregon...

  2. Child and Maternal Health in the Slavic Community: Insights on Assets and Priorities

    The Slavic community’s health is impacted by race and ethnicity, and also by issues that flow from being a newcomer community, and also from their status as refugees. They also bring to the U.S.A. cultural...

  3. Protocol for Culturally Responsive Organizations

    Communities of color have long been marginalized in mainstream service delivery – invisible in terms of their access to resources and services, the adequacy of such services, and in the types of interventions...

  4. A Case Study of the Development of Oregon's 1985 Public Policy in Youth Substance Abuse

    Youth substance abuse in Oregon reached epidemic proportions in the early 1980s. A response to this social issue from the Governor's Office, the state legislature, and the Office of Alcohol and Drug Programs...