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Human Population Dynamics

Human Population Dynamics

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Searched for: Human Population Dynamics
  1. The Sociology of Landowner Interest in Restoring Fire-adapted, Biodiverse Habitats in the Wildland-Urban Interface Of...

    In many parts of the world, the combined effects of wildfire, climate change, and population growth in the wildland-urban interface pose increasing risks to both people and biodiversity. These risks are...

  2. Theory, consequences and evidence of eroding population spatial structure in harvested marine fishes: a review

    To the best of our knowledge, one or more authors of this paper were federal employees when contributing to this work.

  3. Human influences on historical and current wildlife distributions from Lewis & Clark to today

    Although it is well known that humans are strong modifiers of their

  4. Population structure and genetic variation in the Hawaiian Opakapaka (Pristipomoides filamentosus): Evidence of a genetic...

    The Hawaiian Archipelago is a biologically diverse environment with dynamic

  5. A Simulation Method for Predicting Future Population Dynamics with Uncertainty

    Research Paper

  6. An Agent-Based Model of Wildlife Migratory Patterns in Human-Disturbed Landscapes

    In recent years, human decision-making has led to significant landscape impacts in the western United States. Specifically, migratory wildlife populations have increasingly been impacted by rural urban...

  7. The N-Player Trust Game and its Replicator Dynamics

    Trust is a fundamental concept that underpins the coherence and resilience of social systems and shapes human behavior. Despite the importance of trust as a social and psychological concept, the concept has not...

  8. Summary of Science, Activities, Programs, and Policies That Influence the Rangewide Conservation of Greater Sage-Grouse...

    This report documents and summarizes several decades of work on sage-grouse populations, sagebrush as habitat, and sagebrush community and ecosystem functions based on the recent assessment and findings of the...

  9. Welfare Effects of Random Fishery Closures

    Abstract only.

  10. Wildlife Health in Managed Forests : Immunity and Infectious Diseases in Wild Rodents of Oregon

    With continual and worldwide human population growth, our impact on the natural environment expands and intensifies every day. We consume natural resources, burn fossil fuels, and release toxic compounds into...
