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Invasive Species

Invasive Species

Invasive species are non-native species which spread widely on their own. Many are considered to be noxious, and cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health.

Articles & Stories

Article presented by the Sage Grouse Initiative that shows how it pays to treat invasive grasses on...
Invasive annual grasses have impacted more than 5 million acres of rangelands in Oregon with a...
The spread of non-native invasive species during the last century has been...
Invasive species are one of the least understood, yet may be one of the most detrimental, threats...
Invasive annual grasses in Oregon rangelands negatively affect wildlife, rangeland health, and...

Maps and Tools

iMapInvasives is a comprehensive tool for online invasive species data management, with many... more

Data Collections

Open source searchable data catalog for the US Government.
