As part of the SageCon Invasives Initiative, the Institute for Natural Resources conducted a series of interviews with practitioners familiar with invasive annual grass management in Oregon. The purpose was to hear from a wide variety of partners in Oregon to identify barriers to managing invasive...
Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA) publication that summarizes the policy, fiscal and science challenges that land managers encounter related to the control and reduction of the invasive plant/fire complex, especially as it relates to the threaten or endangered species...
Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA) publication commissioned by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to assess threats the invasive plant-wildfire nexus poses to greater Sage-Grouse and its habitat. 47 pp.
The Oregon statewide strategic plan and statewide action plan for invasive species set forth long-term and short-term strategies for invasive species control. View or download the 2017-2019 statewide action plan and/or strategic plan from the Oregon Invasive Species Council website.
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife "one-page flyers designed for public outreach that provide an overview of Strategy habitats, Strategy species and invasive species in each ecoregion." (ODFW)
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife "one-page flyers designed for public outreach that provide an overview of Strategy habitats, Strategy species and invasive species in each ecoregion." (ODFW)
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife "one-page flyers designed for public outreach that provide an overview of strategy habitats, strategy species and invasive species in each ecoregion." (ODFW)
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife "one-page flyers designed for public outreach that provide an overview of Strategy habitats, Strategy species and invasive species in each ecoregion." (ODFW)
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife "one-page flyers designed for public outreach that provide an overview of Strategy habitats, Strategy species and invasive species in each ecoregion." (ODFW)