Natural Areas

Natural Areas

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Searched for: Natural Areas
  1. Willamette Park Assessment and Recommendations

    The vision of the project was to prioritize park improvements that balance the long-term sustainability and viability of the park with growing user demands. As a hybrid park, Willamette Park has a unique set of...

  2. Knowing Nature in the City: Comparative Analysis of Knowledge Systems Challenges Along the "Eco-Techno" Spectrum of Green...

    Green infrastructure development is desired in many municipalities because of its potential to address pressing environmental and social issues. However, despite technical optimism, institutional challenges...

  3. Making South Downtown Portland

    Principals that guided the project:

  4. Staff Report: In Consideration of Ordinance No. 05-1077 Amending the Regional Framework Plan and the Urban Growth Management...

  5. The Nature of 2040: the Region's 50-Year Plan for Managing Growth

  6. Environment, Economy, and Equity: Can We Find a Language for Fairness in Regional Planning?

    Metropolitan Portland is often cited as a model for regional planning and growth management. In the 19905, both academics and the popular press "discovered" the Portland region, connecting our quality of...

  7. Holgate Lake Study: An Examination of the Issues Associated with Groundwater Flooding

    This project examines Holgate Lake. Despite its natural hazard characteristics, the Holgate Lake area has not been immune to development pressure. Holgate Lake is an intermittent water body that forms when...

  8. David Hill Urban Reserve Concept Plan

    As the City of Forest Grove continues to grow, the David Hill Urban Reserve presents opportunities to accommodate development needs for the next 20 to 50 years. While this type of growth is not expected to...

  9. Periodic Atlas of the of the Metroscape: Warming Up the City - Mapping the hottest (literally) neighborhoods of Portland

    Vivek Shandas and Jackson Voelkel show us how urban head varies by characteristics of a neighborhood's built and natural environment. The Atlas reminds us to be aware of the potential impact on those most...

  10. Project "Foresight": First Phase

    Project "Foresight" at this time is concentrating on two major objectives: (1) the development of the first phase of a Willamette Valley Environmental Protection Plan, and (2) refine and sustain a process for...

