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Private Lands

Private Lands

The Land Trust's mission is to work cooperatively with landowners in Central Oregon to conserve land for wildlife, scenic views and local communities...
Website for the Friends of Family Farmers.  This grassroots organization supports Oregon's independent family farmers, food advocates, and concerned...
The Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project (SWReGAP) combined data from Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah to create seamless coverages...
The Habitat Conservation Assistance Network (HabitatCAN) helps private landowners manage candidate, threatened, and endangered species habitat on...
GAP is a U.S. Geological Survey program that has developed data and tools to inform how well we are protecting our Nation's common plants and animals...
The mission of the Department of Oregon State Police to enhance livability and safety by protecting the people, property and natural resources of the...
The Ties to the Land Initiative assists woodland owners in addressing communication, emotional and legal aspects of succession planning.
"EQIP provides financial and technical assistance to agricultural producers in order to address natural resource concerns and deliver environmental...
