Protected Areas

Protected Areas

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Searched for: Protected Areas
  1. The Role of Mpas in the Development of Northwest Mexico Fisheries

    Abstract only.

  2. Estimating the Economic Impact of the Steller Sea Lion Conservation Area: Developing and Applying New Methods for Evaluating...

    Research paper

  3. Impact of a marine protected area to fishery profitability and income distribution. Some evidence from the Gulf of Thailand...

    Methodological difficulties, particularly when multifleet-multispecies fisheries are active, explain pro parte a weak research effort on the socio-economic impact of fishery activities after the implementation...

  4. Valuing marine parks in the Seychelles.pdf

  5. Valuing marine parks in Seychelles.pdf

  6. Livelihoods development for MPA affected communities - a case study of Cu Lao Cham

    Abstract only.

  7. Economic effects of marine protected areas on small-scale fisheries: a case study of the trawl ban in the Gulf of...

    Despite growing interest in Marine Protected Areas, relatively little is still known in practice about their economic

  8. The Economics of MPAs Revisited

    Abstract Only

  9. State Dependence in Modeling the Spatial Behavior of Renewable Resource Users

    Research Paper

  10. Potential Benefits of a Transboundary Marine Protected Area Under no Cooperation Between Countries

    There is a considerable amount of work done in transboundary fisheries and the implications of non-cooperative scenarios using game theory; there is also plenty of research about Marine Protected Areas (MPA)...

