Protected Areas

Protected Areas

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Searched for: Protected Areas
  1. Spatial pattern of protected area designation in Sub-Saharan Africa

  2. Public education as a management strategy for marine protected areas: the case of three arch rocks national wildlife refuge...

  3. Valuing marine parks in the Seychelles.pdf

  4. Valuing marine parks in Seychelles.pdf

  5. Marine Protected Areas: Socioeconomic Impacts and Adaptive Approaches

    Suggested Bibliographic Reference: Challenging New Frontiers in the Global Seafood Sector: Proceedings of the Eighteenth Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, July...

  6. Fishermen's Values Concerning the Queen Conch and Lobster in Boca de Yuma, East National Park, Dominican Republic

    Research Paper

  7. Current and Future Land Use around a Nationwide Protected Area Network

    To the best of our knowledge, one or more authors of this paper were federal employees when contributing to this work.

  8. Movement Patterns of Rockfishes at the Redfish Rocks Marine Reserve, Oregon

    The effects of Marine protected areas (MPAs) on adult fish populations depend on the

  9. Habitat and Distribution of the Ruffed Lemur, "Varecia", North of the Bay of Antongil in Northeastern Madagascar

    Here we present information on the conservation status of ruffed lemurs (Varecia) north of the Bay of Antongil in northeastern Madagascar. Two contiguous protected areas were recently established that traverse...

  10. Livelihoods development for MPA affected communities - a case study of Cu Lao Cham

    Abstract only.

