Protected Areas

Protected Areas

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Searched for: Protected Areas
  1. Is “Waste Not Want Not” an Adequate Ethic for By-catch?: Five Biblical Ethical Models for Addressing Incidental Fisheries...

    The “Protestant ethic” with its emphasis on hard work, efficiency, and frugality has influenced the values of North

  2. Cultural and Natural Assets for Willamette Basin, Oregon Sustainability

    In this paper, we consider the transfer of environmental and cultural assets to the next generation as a potential

  3. The Management of Fishery in the Lagoon of Venice

    Recently, Mediterranean lagoon environment, mainly in the North Adriatic area, has been threatened by the

  4. Individual Habitat Quotas for Fisheries

    Research Paper

  5. Arctic Fisheries: Potential Management Issues and Opportunities

    Abstract only.

  6. Moving to rights based management: Green-Lipped Mussel case study

    Research Paper

  7. Near-Shore Trawling Fisheries in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam

    Local community in the Mekong Delta is said to be “fish eating society” where 70% of their animal protein relies on fish products. The Mekong Delta contributes more than 60% of total aquaculture production...

  8. A Multivariate Poisson Approach to Estimating Target Catch and Bycatch Production

    Abstract only.

  9. Co-Management: the Most Effectiveness and Effective Management Solution for Fisheries of Small Reservoirs

    Thousands of small man-made water reservoirs (water bodies with water surface

  10. Organic Aquaculture in Vietnam

    Abstract only.
