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The 2015 Oregon Sage-Grouse State Action Plan and Governor’s Executive Order 15-18 outlined a comprehensive approach to promote long-term conservation of sage-grouse habitat and populations in Oregon. The SageCon Partnership, which coordinates implementation of the Plan across local, state and...
The field of remote sensing has advanced dramatically in the last decade, resulting in a proliferation of vegetation maps for rangelands in the western U.S. This guidance intends to help practitioners in the rangelands of the Great Basin use maps by providing guidance on how to approach the use of...
The SageCon Rangeland Condition Report provides information on rangeland condition throughout southeastern Oregon, drawing information from vegetation maps, plot data on public lands, and wildfire perimeters. This report supplements the SageCon Dashboard and summarizes habitat monitoring...
The SageCon Invasives Initiative is a collaborative, multi-stakeholder group coordinated by the SageCon Partnership to address invasive annual grasses in Oregon rangelands. A key component of the Invasives Initiative is a shared geographic strategy for proactive, landscape-scale management of...
The SageCon Invasives Initiative is a collaborative, multi-stakeholder group coordinated by the SageCon Partnership to address invasive annual grasses in Oregon rangelands. A key component of the Invasives Initiative is a shared geographic strategy for proactive, landscape-scale management of...
This document presents a pre-assessment workflow to consider for a rangeland assessment (e.g., BLM Land Health Assessment). The objectives are: 1) Compile information in one place for planning field work; 2) Set a preliminary expectation of the conditions that are likely to be encountered in the...
In 2015, the state of Oregon put into place plans and action to address declining populations of the Greater sage-grouse in southeastern Oregon, including policies to address impacts of human development in important sage-grouse habitat. The approach attempts to balance the need for sage-grouse...
This document provides information for landowners interested in receiving monetary and/or regulatory benefits from long-term programs to protect and restore sage-grouse habitat on private lands in Oregon. Two primary programs are described here: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Programmatic Candidate...
As part of the SageCon Invasives Initiative, the Institute for Natural Resources conducted a series of interviews with practitioners familiar with invasive annual grass management in Oregon. The purpose was to hear from a wide variety of partners in Oregon to identify barriers to managing invasive...
The State Action Report to fulfill Executive Order 15-18 has been updated to detail state-funded implementation activities from 2016-June 2018. Thanks to staff from ODFW, DLCD, ODF, DSL, ODOT, OWEB, ODOE as well as local implementation partners for all of your efforts and helping to document the...
