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Threatened and Endangered Species

Threatened and Endangered Species


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Searched for: Threatened and Endangered Species
  1. Necanicum River watershed assessment

    In this watershed assessment, the authors of the report summarized current conditions and data gaps within the Necanicum River watershed to help to identify how current and past resource management is impacting...

  2. A report of fisheries investigations in Oregon coastal streams south of the Columbia River and exclusive of the Umpqua River

    This report is a summarization of investigational work that has been completed since 1941 by the Oregon State Game Commission on the coast streams south of the Columbia River, exclusive of the Umqpua and its...

  3. Biological opinion on effects of issuance of license for McKenzie (Bigelow) Hydropower Project on Upper Willamette River...

    On March 24, 1999, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) published its final decision to list the Upper Willamette River evolutionarily significant unit (ESU) of chinook salmon as threatened under the...

  4. Biological Opinion: Formal Section 7 Consultation on the Boulder, Donegam, Rumble/Irish and Upland Road-Related Restoration...

    The Umpqua National Forest (UNF) submitted June 3, 1999, January 14, 2000, and April 14, 2000 letters requesting consultation for a number of proposed activities that were determined likely to adversely affect...

  5. Willamette Biological Opinion Chinook Steelhead Outmigration 2012 Annual Report

    Abstract -- To aid in the development of downstream passage options for juvenile salmonids at Upper Willamette reservoirs, we present results from screw trapping operations conducted upstream and downstream of...

  6. Willamette Biological Opinion Hatchery Research 2002 Annual Report

    Abstract -- Possible risks of artificial propagation programs have been well documented. Hazards

  7. Willamette Biological Opinion Hatchery Research 2002-03 Addendum

    Abstract -- This report is an addendum to the report on activities in 2002 that was generated in

  8. Willamette Biological Opinion Hatchery Research 2003 Annual Report

    Abstract -- Possible risks of artificial propagation programs have been well documented. Hazards

  9. Willamette Biological Opinion Hatchery Research 2007 Interim Activities Report

    Abstract -- Possible risks of artificial propagation programs have been well documented. Hazards include

  10. Rare, threatened and endangered plants and animals of Oregon


    This archived document is maintained by the Oregon State Library as part of the Oregon Documents Depository Program. It is for informational purposes and may not be suitable for legal purposes.
