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Threatened and Endangered Species

Threatened and Endangered Species


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"The Deschutes Subbasin Plan direct Bonneville Power Administration funding of projects that protect, mitigate, and enhance fish and wildlife that have been adversely impacted by the development and operation of the Columbia River hydropower system.The Council, Bonneville, NOAA Fisheries, and U.S....
"This plan serves as a blueprint for the recovery of ten Middle Columbia River (Mid-C)steelhead populations that occupy Oregon tributaries to the Columbia River. The steelhead populations spawn and rear in the Fifteenmile Creek, Deschutes, John Day, Umatilla and Walla Walla river basins and are...
Link to the complete text of the Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973 from the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.
2013, Oregon Biodiversity Center (ORBIC) Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species of Oregon Publication
The Oregon Conservation Strategy identifies priorities for monitoring. A suite of priority species for monitoring is assigned to each priority habitat type within each ecoregion. Monitoring Strategy species is designed to complement ongoing large-scale vegetation monitoring and ongoing efforts to...
This Defenders of Wildlife report is an economic and policy assessment of the biological effectiveness and economic efficiency of incentive mechanisms for private landowners to conserve U.S. biodiversity. Its focus is on rural lands that tend to be used for forestry, agriculture and residential...