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Water Planning

Water Planning

Home Topics Water Planning Maps & Tools
This map viewer was produced by Oregon Dept. of Environmental Quality in partnership with the Oregon Health Authority to help identify and protect...
The Mid-Coast Water Report aggregates water data for a selected area of interest. The report includes queried data for the following sections: Area...
The Oregon Water Map Viewer report aggregates water data for a selected area of interest. The report includes queried data for the following sections...
This tool provides summarized evapotranspiration (ET) data at the 12 digit hydrologic unit level from the OpenET Data Explorer for the Columbia River...
The Oregon Renewable Energy Siting Assessment Tool is an interactive application that allows prospective developers to input project data in order to...
"Ambient Water Quality Monitoring System is the Oregon DEQ water monitoring data portal. AWQMS replaces the LASAR system which has been retired...
The Atlas of Oregon Lakes is a resource for the public, resource management agencies, and scientists to enhance management and enjoyment of our lakes...
The Oregon Water Rights Web Mapping Tool allows users to view water rights and other pertinent information such as ground water limited areas, water...
The Oregon Water Atlas is an aggregation and visualization of Oregon’s water data. It was created for an undergraduate honors thesis at Oregon State...
