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Water Quantity and Quality

Water Quantity and Quality

In December 2017, the Water Resources Commission adopted Oregon’s Integrated Water Resources...
A fundamental component of the watershed restoration in Oregon is voluntary action by private...
Floods Floods are a common hazard in Oregon. The damaging effects of a flood can be local or...
According to the FEMA FAQ website, a 100-year flood is defined as: The term "100-year...
Wetland and riparian habitats are found in the following places. Westside or Coastal and Western...
You may determine the "most probable number" or MPN with our new E. Coli assay...
Wildfire,US Fish and Wildlife Service The effect of wildfire on soil is typically...
Aquatic habitats can be found in lakes and ponds, rivers and streams, nearshore marine and...
The Oregon Water Resources Department has established a list of beneficial uses for...