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In December 2017, the Water Resources Commission adopted Oregon’s Integrated Water Resources Strategy, a framework for better understanding and meeting instream and out-of-stream water needs, including water quantity, water quality, and ecosystem needs. Using a process that involved extensive...
A collection of historical and contemporary photographs, maps, documents, and records focused on the Columbia River Basin.
This Oregon Department of Environmental Quality website contains links to Total Maximum Daily Load and Water Quality Management Plan documents prepared for waterbodies in Oregon designated as water quality limited on the 303(d) list. A TMDL is the calculated pollutant amount that a waterbody can...
The Deschutes Basin Bibliography was created to provide a resource for scholarly research to be used in tandem with the Oregon Explorer Deschutes Basin. The bibliography’s primary focus is the scientific study of the survival and reintroduction of native fish in the Deschutes River and its...
Descriptive overview of the history of the McKenzie River area.
An historical and geographic description of the Willamette River and its watershed.
This bibliography includes over 1000 regularly updated references about the Umpqua River Basin, particularly its hydrology and its fisheries. Some films, photographs and archival materials are included along with books, articles, maps and web pages. The bibliography also includes archival...
Results from a 1999 survey of watershed councils, Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs), and friends groups. Willamette Restoration Initiative. September 1999.
An historical and geographic description of the Umpqua River basin.
