Western Landscapes

Western Landscapes

The Rural West Initiative creates discussions between journalists and scholars, citizens, nongovernmental groups and government officials on the...
The National Fish, Wildlife, and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy is an integrated, coordinated, and comprehensive response to the threats of...
The Climate Change Resource Center provides information and tools for land managers about climate change.
Website for the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Pacific Northwest (Region 6).
Ecoshare is an interagency clearinghouse of ecological information including GIS data, publications, data sets, code sets, and plant photography....
Website for the Environmental Protection Agency regional office in the Pacific Northwest (Region 10)
The Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project (SWReGAP) combined data from Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah to create seamless coverages...
The Habitat Conservation Assistance Network (HabitatCAN) helps private landowners manage candidate, threatened, and endangered species habitat on...
This is an interactive web-based map displaying priority habitats and species locations in Washington.
The Regional Ecosystem Office provides interagency support for the Northwest Forest Plan.

