

Wetlands are uniquely productive and valuable ecosystems with permanent or seasonal standing water. Salt marshes, pitcher-plant bogs, mountain fens, and desert saltgrass flats are just a few of the wetland types in Oregon.

In Oregon, wetlands are regulated through the authority of a handful of federal and state laws and, in some cases, city or county ordinances.

While all wetlands are important, Oregon's Greatest Wetlands identifies the most biologically significant wetlands in Oregon.

Wetlands are among the most important ecosystems on earth. These complex habitats store, clean and filter our water, prevent soil erosion, and control flooding.

Articles & Stories

The 10-Year Plan for Oregon created by Governor Kitzhaber in August 2011,...
Cottonwood floodplain forest, Sand Island, Multnomah County (John A. Christy, PSU...
Many state and federal programs provide financial, technical and advisory assistance to landowners...
Wetland values are often difficult to assess because they do not conform to our current system of...
Early stages of wetlandrehabilitation (Bruce Taylor) Mitigation is required to...

Maps and Tools

The Oregon Rapid Wetland Assessment Protocol (ORWAP) allows a rapid assessment of the functions... more

Data Collections

This Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) data portal provides public read-only access... more

About This Topic

Development of the site formerly known as the Oregon "Wetlands Explorer" has been a collaboration among:

OSU Libraries and Press: OSU Libraries and Press engages with the OSU community and the people of Oregon in their pursuit of knowledge. The OSULP partnership with the Institute for Natural Resources supports delivery of information and services related to the protection and management of Oregon's vitally important natural resources through the Oregon Explorer natural resources digital library.

Institute for Natural Resources: The Institute for Natural Resources provides Oregonians with ready access to current, relevant science-based information, methods, and tools for better understanding natural resource management challenges and developing solutions. INR co-manages the Oregon Explorer with OSULP.

The Wetlands Conservancy: (Katie Ryan, Executive Director; John Bauer, GIS Analyst; John Christy, Wetlands Ecologist; Kumkum Bhattacharyya, Faculty Research Assistant; Rachel Brunner and Jon Franczyk, GIS interns; Nadeem Kasmi, volunteer) The Wetlands Conservancy (TWC), founded in 1981, is the leading organization in Oregon dedicated to protecting Oregon's greatest wetlands. Working throughout the state, the Conservancy protects and restores these key lands by promoting private and community stewardship, supporting conservation, and working in partnership in local communities. 

Funding was provided by the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. In-kind support provided by OSU Libraries and Press and the Institute for Natural Resources.

The following agencies and individuals contributed data and expertise to the project:

Wetland Spatial Data: Bureau of Land Management (Brent Grasty, Pam Keller), City of Cannon Beach (Rainmar Bartl, Mark Scott), City of Damascus (Mike Mertens), City of Eugene (Neil Bjorklund),City of La Grande (Michael Boquist, Margot Irvin), City of Oregon City (David Knoll),City of Philomath (Douglas Sackinger), City of Portland (Mindy Brooks), City of Scappoose (Brian Varricchione), City of Silverton (Sue DeVore), City of Springfield (Brandt Melick, Annamarie Tiniakos), City of St. Helens (Jacob Graichen), City of Sweet Home (Joe Graybill), City of Veneta (Brian Issa), Columbia River Estuary Study Taskforce (Amy Ammer), ESA Adolfson (Abbey Paulson), Green Point Consulting (Laura Brophy), Lane Council of Governments (Bill Clingman), Lower Columbia River Estuary Partnership (Debrah Marriott), Metro (Minott Kerr), Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments (Lesley Hegewald), Natural Resources Conservation Service (Ron Raney), Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (Patty Snow, Miranda Wood), Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (Jay Charland, Tanya Haddad), Oregon Department of State Lands (Anna Buckley, Dana Field, Janet Morlan, Kathy Verble), Oregon Department of Transportation (Patti Caswell, William Warncke), Oregon Trout (Alan Horton), Pacific Habitat Services (Tom Rodgers, John van Staveren), Satre Associates (Brian Deiering), SWCA Environmental Consultants (Mirth Walker), The Nature Conservancy (Darren Borgias, Jenny Brown, Michael Schindel), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Elaine Blok, David Imper, Bill Kirchner, John Marshall)

Also, thanks to those cities and other jurisdictions that make their GIS data available online.

Hydric Soils Spatial Data: Fremont-Winema National Forest (Karl Greulich), Natural Resources Conservation Service (Steve Campbell), Umatilla National Forest (Craig Busskohl), Umpqua National Forest (Gregory Orton).

Narrative Information: Adamus Resource Assessment (Paul Adamus), Oregon State University (Gail Achterman, Jay Noller), The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation (Celeste Mazzacano).

Field Data: Adamus Resource Assessment (Paul Adamus), Green Point Consulting (Laura Brophy), South Slough National Estuarine Reserve (Craig Cornu)