

Cottonwood floodplain forest, Sand Island, Multnomah County (John A. Christy, PSU...
Tags: Wetlands
Many state and federal programs provide financial, technical and advisory assistance to landowners...
Wetland values are often difficult to assess because they do not conform to our current system of...
Early stages of wetlandrehabilitation (Bruce Taylor) Mitigation is required to...
Tags: Wetlands
In Oregon, wetlands are regulated through the authority of a handful of federal and state laws and...
Ecosystem monitoring often includes collection of data on location, type, size and elevation of...
Tags: Wetlands
Coastal fen with Darlingtonia, Curry County (John A. Christy, Oregon Biodiversity...
Tags: Wetlands
Shrub swamps and shrub riparian John Day River, Wheeler County (John A....
Tags: Wetlands
Montane wet meadow, Klamath County (John A. Christy, Oregon Biodiversity Information...
Tags: Wetlands

