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Searched for: Wetlands
  1. Recommended NWI revisions and GIS layer development for tidal wetlands of the Yaquina and Alsea River Estuaries

    This project report provides a GIS map to accompany the 1999 tidal wetland prioritization in these estuaries. updates information on major changes at 1999 study sites, and recommends revisions to the NWI...

  2. Tidal Wetland Prioritization for the Necanicum River Estuary

    This study identified and characterized current and likely former tidal wetlands in the Necanicum River estuary (in the emergent, shrub, and forested classes), and used ecological criteria to prioritize these...

  3. The use of low cost “iButton” Temperature Logger Arrays to Generate High Spatial Resolution Tidal Inundation Regime Data:...

    Loss of wetlands within Oregon has led to strong interest in restoring wetlands that once existed. Restoration practitioners are currently using knowledge they have gained from many years of working with...

  4. Report on CICEET grant research in coordination with

    Tidal wetlands are a powerful carbon sink. They can sequester an order of magnitude

  5. A historical reconstruction and land use history of six tidal wetlands in Oregon

  6. Tidal wetland prioritization for the Nehalem River estuary

    Prepared for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Oregon Coastal Program - Newport Field Office.

  7. Tidal wetland prioritization for the Smith River Watershed: Umpqua River Estuary of Oregon

    Prepared for: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Oregon Coastal Program - Newport Field Office.

  8. The application of geographic information systems for delineation and classification of tidal wetlands for resource...

    Resource managers of Oregon’s tidal wetlands require an improved GIS layer for management of existing tidal wetland habitat and areas considered for tidal wetland restoration. A reconnaissance project was...

  9. Where's the ground surface? Elevation bias in LIDAR-derived digital elevation models due to dense vegetation in Oregon tidal...

    Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) is a powerful resource for coastal and wetland managers and its use is increasing. Vegetation density and other land cover characteristics influence the accuracy of...

  10. Effectiveness monitoring at tidal wetland restoration and reference sites in the Siuslaw River estuary: A tidal swamp focus

    This project was part of the Siuslaw Watershed Restoration Initiative. We designed and established a monitoring program at five sites totaling 319 A: two tidal wetland restoration sites (97A) and two reference...

